Making our customer's job easier is a primary goal of our integrated Q-Rental software system, which was developed in-house and is completely customized to our specific industry. Up-to-the-minute & real time information at our finger tips on all our equipment, 24/7. Equipment can be tracked from the day it is purchased, to if and when it is retired. All MTRs, COCs, and dimensional data are kept within the system for easy reference, while allowing us to send up to the minute inventories via email to customers, both on the rig and in the office. This program is constantly changing and adapting to meet our needs and those of our customers.
Q-Rental helps us to interface with our customers through programs such as electronic invoicing via OpenInvoice, Cortex, Ariba and GEP SMART along with customer direct programs as well as allowing us to combine this information with any repairs, billing and inventory tracking. The program universally updates as the equipment specifications and data are input into the system.